Privacy & Security Policy

Privacy & Security Policy

Our company takes our client security with the utmost care, and our company policy is to practice the highest level of IT OPSEC at every level of our business.·

All company computers are Debian based Linux, encrypted with LUKS full disk encryption.

All company mobile phones use secure operating systems CalyxOS or GrapheneOS

Use encrypted email, hosted by Protonmail.  Pgp key here·

When emailing sensitive data such as a pentest report, we send over encrypted email.

Files are hosted at our secure and self-hosted Nextcloud servers. The files are stored in encrypted veracrypt containers.

All client data is stored in encrypted veracrypt containers, with a unique 128 key complex password.

We only use secure FOSS solutions.  We never use any Microsoft, Apple, Google or Facebook products.

All tools and services that are used by our company are protected with TOTP  2FA or Yubikey Hardware keys.